My absence from this blog has been due to a pretty hectic schedule of late. As I have mentioned, we were in Summer camp so that meant that I was teaching from 9:30am-7pm on certain days and trying to get other things done on the days that my schedule was a little lighter. This being said, I will fill you in on a little of what's been going on. First, my summer camp class made a movie as their final project. It is so cute and is almost finished being edited. I don't claim to be very techy so the fact that I'm doing all the video editing is the reason it is taking me so long to finish the movie. The kids are dying to see it and I had to tell them to wait until Monday :(
Even though Robert and I work in the same building, almost an entire day can go by and we haven't hardly seen each other. We do our best to meet up on breaks and grab coffee or at least say hi. On this particular day the weather was so lovely that it would have been a crime to spend our break indoors. We grabbed an iced caffe latte and walked to a nearby park. It was so refreshing to breathe the air and see nature.
Just because I love to share all my little crafty moments, I will tell you about this dress. First, you have to imagine the before picture, as I forgot to take one. Now, here's the deal: the dress was straight and landed about 2 inches above the ankle and I always thought it was a weird length. Why not make it a cute short dress? Ok no problem, *snip snip* oops... I totally didn't measure and it was so much shorter than I planned! As I'm sitting there holding the pieces to the dress, Robert looks over and says "oh man, that was one of my favorite dresses!" now he tells me... So, what do you do but get a little creative. I decided to add a ruffle and when I did I was quite in love with the finished product. It actually looks better than before because it was always a tad boring. Now it has a little personality :)
You've probably been wondering what the title was all about. Well, I'm here to tell you... Kindy had another field trip! I'm sure you look forward to them as much as I do (actually you probably don't). This time was no exception. I have spent the majority of my life in either a remote village or a small town. Big cities have never been a part of my life until now. Since I find myself living in the second most populated city in the world, I was really looking forward to a trip outside the city limits and a chance to breathe farm air (yes, even the smell of cows was refreshing).
This was a family owned and run farm.
The kids all had their turns feeding the baby cows...
Noah even got brave and did it on his own :)
Next, it was on to feeding the adult cows....
Bella was a little nervous about the cow. She was holding on pretty tightly
Next was the milking... Each kid had a turn and then it was the teachers' turns. I realized very quickly that I was among city girls. They were terrified if the cow even mooed! It was hysterical!
Following the milking, we went on a tracker ride all around the farm.
I absolutely loved the farmhouse! Such a beautiful place.
We got back from the ride and sat down to a picnic lunch of kim-bop and fruit
The kids wandered around playing a bit before it was time to head inside to make fresh ice cream.
When I asked several of the kids afterwards what their favorite part of the day was, this rose to the top on multiple lists :) I think you can see why!
Chocolate's my favorite color :)
My little buddy, Josephina
We found some big swings and had a blast on them... that is until Jason stood behind one and busted his lip. Oh well... He was ok and it was time to go anyways...
Precious little Alex with the look of pure joy.
I can safely say that "a good time was had by all..."
As we were leaving, I discovered that this farm provides the milk that has been our preference since arriving. It's what's always in our fridge. Nice to meet the people that are bringing me milk :)
As well as having a smashing time, being on a farm and smelling all the smells took me back to my childhood, playing on the Van de Merwe's farm in South Africa. Those were good memories and I got to relive a few in my mind while walking the dirt paths of this farm.
Until next time...
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