Here's what's been going on in our lives... I'm enjoying my red hair (although I did have a slight allergic reaction and the back of my neck was itching like crazy but that has gone away now). That part wasn't fun but all in all its been a nice change for a little while.
We had dinner with a new teacher and afterwards, Jolie treated us to tea and cake. They make the most gorgeous desserts here! Everything has such detail. And believe me, this was as good as it looks! :)
As I've mentioned, this is rainy season. I liked it for the first day or two and then it just got plain annoying. I have always liked rainy days because I was used to Florida's style~ sunny for most of the day, rainy on and off in 5 minute spurts :) Here, not so much... It rains ALL DAY and I am indoors ALL DAY and it all just starts affecting your mood. I began feeling very gloomy and had no energy. It's amazing how the weather messes with your emotions. Let's just say I was so happy for a non-rainy day yesterday!
The ONLY positive thing about the rain: I get to wear my rainboots! :)
Our friends, Danny and Grace, took us to this amazing Chinese restaurant and to see this really cool tower. You could see for miles from the top of the tower. Also, its pretty famous because one of their top dramas was filmed there so they had a bunch of posters and stuff up throughout the building. We plan on going back for sure!
As mentioned before, our shipment arrived and with it all my sewing stuff. I was so excited! But of course this meant some serious rearranging being done in the office. We got rid of the nasty blue office style couch because A. it was ugly B. it was uncomfortable and C. we needed the space.
We replaced it with a great red piece that I can fit all my stuff on and also it gave us more room space. I love the feel of the room now!
The Kindergarten has been working on this "mini concert" for some time now and we were all so proud of them! They were absolutely fantastic! All the classes sang songs, did some chants (all in English of course), gave English and Chinese introductions of their families, and then did a final number together with sign language. Now some of you might be thinking, "That's a mini-concert?!" Well, compared to what they do in February, yes it is. If you will recall four months ago when we arrived... my lipstick incident. Because of that hasty initiation, I now realize just how mini this mini concert was! In February they sing, dance, tell stories, do a few violin numbers, demonstrate their takwondo and all this is done in full head to toe costumes that are different for every act! Believe me when i say, I was shocked!! Not the typical first day on the job! :)
The mini concert was a smashing hits with the moms and the teachers were very relieved to have the big day over too! :) When they do an event, its never half-way. We hung picture boards, examples of all the kid's work in the hallway, decorated and rearranged the auditorium, made sandwiches for the moms and got all the kids ready for their performance. Like I said, it was all worth it though because the kids were amazing. Oh and did I mention I had to MC the whole thing? yea pretty much. I hate being up front and would much rather have been the one in the back but its all about PR and the mom's want to see the foreign teacher up front. I made it through ok and with only one mistake! :) I introduced the wrong kid and at the wrong time. Oh well...
At the end of the song, all the kids took a rose to their mom. :)
Clean up time!
After school was out, the kindy teachers went to Shabu-Shabu for Jackie's going away dinner. We had such a fun time laughing and talking together. It was really a great evening.
Sally~ Gloria~ Daniel (Hannah's son)
Hannah~ Me~ Jackie (and Daniel again) :)
Until the next post...
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