Being out the USA made me want to have this party even more! I love throwing themed parties and this year it was just a little more challenging which only added to the fun :) When I was back in America for the weekend, I grabbed some plates and napkins from Walmart and then worked on everything else from here. I found lots of free printable things on the internet, so I printed a few off and made a few little decorations for the house. Robert is always willing to help me out and I love throwing parties with him!
Found this great box and gave it a little American look to it :)
Its not much, but it was fun.
We were planning on a lot of people and a picnic in a park nearby, but not everyone was able to make it so we all just decided to stay in the air conditioned apartment rather than the muggy, hazy day outside :) I quickly unpacked the picnic bags and set everything out for an indoor party...
The menu was a lot of fun to make too!
Hamburgers and Hotdogs
(with ALL the trimmings)
Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Deviled Eggs
Can't get more American than that, huh? :)
Pastor Oliver~Roger~ Sean~ Ariel
Ben~ Hannah~Robert~Ellen~Nathan
(The Pastor's other son Caleb wasn't able to make it)
Robert's new toy...the Bug Zapper. It leaves a ball of flame where there once was a bug.
It's really quite powerful and it has given him entertainment of late.
After we ate dinner, a few of us played a few rounds of Speed Scrabble and Dutch Blitz.
We had a lot of fun and shared some laughs.
Just proves that you can be patriotic where ever you find yourself.
It was a wonderful day with friends and a chance to be AMERICANS~ loud and proud! :)
I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July with friends and family!
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